December 27, 2021

I had some time in my schedule over the holidays to work on this personal piece of Spider-Man swinging in a snowy NYC, with a santa hat. Credit to my mom who suggested adding kids watching Spidey in awe, from their windows. Also, credit to my friend and fellow comic creator Grant Stoye, for suggesting that I try a Black Suit version!

Below you can check out the Sketch, Inks, Inks and Grey Tones, and the Colors, as well as a timelapse recording showing a very sped up version of my process from inks to color.

My goal with this piece was to get the weight/momentum of Spidey swinging on the webline as well as use color to drive home that look of a snowy day in the city. I’m glad I was able to do that using minimal rendering and instead focusing primarily on color palette.

Sketch: I wanted to keep this a bit looser than I normally do with pencils so that I could save the detailing for the Inks.

Inks: The final line work. I almost went straight to color from here but instead decided to add in some grey tones.

Inks and Grey Tones: The grey tones help with lighting and addingthem into the inks (for me) is a little easier than having to add in the lighting in the coloring stage.

Final Colored Art

Final Colored Art (Black Suit)

This is not too different from my standard process, the biggest difference is starting inks over a looser sketch, and also using primarily flat color rendering with the heavy lifting for the lighting coming from the Grey tones.

The timelapse recording is below. I hope you enjoy it! All of this was drawin in Clip Studio Paint EX on my Cintiq Pro 16. the whole piece took about 6 hours from start to finish.

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