Binary Sea #1 Issues Are Shipping Out! Digital Copy Now Available On Kindle.

June 6, 2024

Binary Sea #1 has finally shipped out! So, if you backed the Zoop campaign earlier this year you should be getting your book(s)/prints soon, if you haven’t already. I am thrilled with the print quality of the comics. The lines are crisp, the colors are vibrant and pop on the page, and the paper quality is excellent! Happy to report that so far the responses we’ve gotten have been very positive, and we would love to know what you think when you read your copy.

If however you’re reading this and missed the chance to back the issue 1 campaign, don’t fret! Binary Sea #1 is now available on Kindle for just $3.99 US! The story centers around the crew of the HMS Pontus as they embark on the most dangerous journey of their lives. Following coordinates given to them by a mysterious soothsayer, led by the cold and calculating Captain Willett and loaded with a brig full of pirates, tensions have never been higher. On the Binary Sea, threats lurk where sailors least expect them.

You can find out more about the book and it’s creation in the linked video above.

A huge thank you to everyone who backed the campaign and helped to make this book happen. We’re already in the early stages of creating #2, so stay tuned for more news!

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